Golden delivery:
Get goods, essentials, and more picked up and
delivered to your customers within 1.5 - 2 hours.A
Express delivery:
It takes only 4 hours to pick up
and deliver your orders.
Same-day delivery:
Discover more flexibility in your
delivery process with Tassleem.
Your orders will be picked up and
delivered on the same day.
Daily delivery:
Our team will be ready to pick up
your order and deliver it within 24 hours.
Next-day delivery:
Pick up and deliver your orders
within only 48 hours.
Scheduled delivery:
To improve customer satisfaction,
Tassleem offers a scheduled delivery service.
Now, you can choose the perfect
time and date to pick up and deliver your orders.
Warehouse service:
Boost your profitability and
customer satisfaction with a way more cost-effective solution for all your
warehousing, temporary storage, and distribution needs, just with Tassleem.
Safety is a priority!
So, Tassleem offers an advanced
packaging service for your orders to keep them safe and highly secured.
Packaged goods transportation:
Whatever your goods are, we
handle transporting them most safely and efficiently through a competent
operational network and proactive fleet management team.
Professional storage and distribution:
Focus on growing your business,
and let us handle your logistics.
With flexible scheduling and
customizable delivery options, we've got you covered.
© Tassleem 2023 | Created with by DMA